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Simultaneous Interpretation System

Bosch Integrus System

The Integrus language distribution system incorporates unique, specially-developed Bosch IR-Digital technology that is characterized by a number of features

Bosch Integrus Systems which enables interpreters to simultaneously interpret the speaker’s language is almost indispensable. The interpretations created are then distributed throughout the conference venue, so delegates can select their language of choice and listen to it through headphones.

One Equipment Set ; Many Applications

Here are some of our professional undertakings of our equipment versatile applications and with product engineers planning custom solutions for various events. As applications differs, reqirements differs too.

BOSCH INTEGRUS is a perfect solution.





Bosch Intergrus system is the industry standard for simultaneous interpretation which has also security features that assure client no information is compromised. Interpreter are more comfortable with this system that gives them flexibility while interpreting in a "live" session.

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